With IMA, you don't have to worry about your medication
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Mit IMA müssen Sie sich keine Gedanken über Ihre Medikamente machen.

Earn extra hours per week

Enjoy your free time, knowing that everything is under control. Read a good book, spend time with your family, exercise…

Forget about going to the pharmacy, or preparing your pillbox week by week. Your medication will always be properly organised.

Every pill in its place

Know what to take, and when to take it. With IMA, you make sure that every dose is the right dose.

Now, following your medication plan as prescribed by your doctor is much easier.

Every pill in its place

Know what to take, and when to take it. With IMA, you make sure that every dose is the right dose.

Now, following your medication plan as prescribed by your doctor is much easier.

Control in the palm of your hand

Don’t miss a single dose, and set reminders to help you stick to your treatment with ease.

Take control of your medication, and use the App to check if you have followed your treatment correctly.

We are by your side

Receive personalised monitoring by your Trusted Person at IMA, the key to a service that is 100% adapted to your needs.

IMA is at your side wherever, whenever and however you need it.

We are by your side

Receive personalised monitoring by your Trusted Person at IMA, the key to a service that is 100% adapted to your needs.

IMA is at your side wherever, whenever and however you need it.

Do you want to know more
about our service?

We will contact you to inform you in detail.

Did you know?
Among those over 45, medication use is more common.

Take at least 3 medicines a day


Do not comply with their medical treatment


May suffer a relapse or be admitted to hospital

At IMA, we work to reduce these figures, and help those who need support.

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There are different methods to subscribe to the service offered by IMA. You can do it through our website, by calling 93271553, or by writing to us via WhatsApp at 689 875 664.

Yes, you can request this service whether it is for a family member or for a person you are caring for.

If it is not for you, we will need the documentation of the person who is going to receive the service, and we will need to know where to take the organised medication.

We have pharmacies in large cities and rural areas, also covering municipalities without their own pharmacies.
In this way, we ensure that people with reduced mobility are not forced to make unnecessary journeys. It also saves time and speeds up the day-to-day lives of people with multiple medications.